How can I participate in online consultations?

    If you have not previously participated, simply click the ‘Register’ button at the top right hand side of the page, when prompted create a USERNAME (note: your comments will appear under your username), create a PASSWORD of your choice and provide a valid email address, your age, gender, and location in which you live.

    If you have previously participated, simply click the ‘Sign In’ function located on the right hand side of the top tool bar.

    Is my privacy protected?

    Yes! Your privacy is absolutely protected and Council will only use your email to contact you with updates and to invite you to participate in consultations. Your email address will not be distributed to any third party or used for any others purpose. We do not ask for your personal details or require them at any time as part of your participation. You may like to review our privacy statement privacy statement for this site.

    How are forum comments moderated?

    All moderation is carried out by Bang the Table and all moderation is independent of Council. The moderators do not edit or alter any comments and will only remove comments deemed to be significantly off topic, offensive or malicious, in which case they are removed from the site immediately. Refer to the guidelines at the 'Moderation' tab in the menu bar at the bottom of the page.

    What are the advantages of engaging online?

  • It is a quick, safe and convenient way to have your say on a range of issues and topics.
  • It is a great way to keep up to date and contribute your views on issues affecting your community.
  • You can see what other community members think about an issue or topic, respond with your own views and engage in a discussion.
  • You don't have to attend community meetings at a set place and time, you can contribute at a time and place that suits you.
  • It allows for a range of different people, with different views to discuss matters that impact on their community.